Our “Blessing Box" is filled with food and other small items available to any and all who are in need. The box is a miniature food pantry. You can take items from the box if you are in need, or you can make a donation of food or small personal items.

The Bible says in Matthew 25:35 - "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me."

It is our prayer that they will take what they need and leave what they can, and above all that they will be Blessed!
Blessing Box Guidelines
1.Toiletries – soap, tooth paste tooth brushes, deodorant, lotion, hair brushes, toilet paper, paper towels, tissue, band aids, etc.
2.Non-Perishable Foods –canned, bagged or boxed, vegetable, fruit, soup, cereal, etc.
3. Drinks - water, fruit juice, etc.
4.Individual Packaged Food Items – applesauce, fruit snacks, chips, pretzels, crackers, etc.
5.Baby Supplies – food diapers, wipes, formula, etc.
6. Small Clothing Items – hats, socks, etc.
7. Cleaning Supplies – dishwashing liquid, hand soap, hand sanitizer, detergent, trash bags, etc.
Unacceptable Items:
NO Alcohol, Tobacco Products, Chemicals or Medications
We truly appreciate your generosity, so that we can help our neighbors, and truly become the hands and feet of Jesus in our Community.